Thursday, September 24, 2015

Strayer Mkt Quiz 4

Strayer Mkt Quiz 4

Question 1
Questions such as “How often would you buy this product?” and “Which features are of little or no interest to you?” are often proposed during
a) concept testing.
b) product development.
c) screening.
d) idea generation.
e) test marketing.
6 out of 6 points
Question 2
The main characteristic of a ____ is that customers are satisfied to the point that they use a service repeatedly over a period of time.
a) service relationship
b) professional marketer
c) high-contact service
d) heterogeneous service
e) client-based relationship
6 out of 6 points
Question 3
Three major ways in which marketers engage in product differentiation are
a) product quality, product design and features, and product support services.
b) product quality, product support services, and packaging.
c) product support services, product design and features, and product positioning.
d) product positioning, product quality, and product management.
e) product positioning, product design and features, and product promotion.
6 out of 6 points
Question 4
During which stage of new-product development does the firm consider profitability?
a) Idea generation
b) Testing
c) Business analysis
d) Product development
e) Compatibility research
6 out of 6 points
Question 5
The degree to which the price of a product enhances a customer’s satisfaction with the purchase experience and with the product after the purchase is part of their
a) response.
b) reference.
c) interpretation.
d) price satisfaction.
e) price-consciousness.
6 out of 6 points
Question 6
What do all of the following have in common: tuition, fee, premium, retainer, dues?
a) They all must be paid in cash.
b) They are forms of exchange similar to, but not identical with, money.
c) They are forms of exchange similar to, but not identical with, barter.
d) They are different terms for the concept of price.
e) They have nothing in common.
6 out of 6 points
Question 7
When marketers emphasize price as an issue and match or beat the prices of other companies, they are using
a) price competition.
b) nonprice competition.
c) comparative pricing strategies.
d) demand-based pricing.
e) supply-based pricing.
6 out of 6 points
Question 8
What a price means or what it communicates to customers is called
a) reference.
b) response.
c) interpretation.
d) internalization.
e) signaling.
6 out of 6 points
Question 9
When a company prices one item in a line low with the intention of selling a higher-priced item in the same line, it is using
a. bait pricing.
b. a price leader.
c. penetration pricing.
d. price lining.
d. captive pricing.
6 out of 6 points
Question 10
A firm establishes which of the following pricing objectives to maintain or increase its product’s sales in relation to total industry sales?
a. Cash flow
b. Sales potential
c. Product quality
d. Market share
d. Status quo
6 out of 6 points
Question 11
Price leaders, comparison discounting, and special-event pricing are applications of
a. psychological pricing.
b. professional pricing.
c. product-line pricing.
d. bait-and-switch.
e. promotional pricing.
6 out of 6 points

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