Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seaport BUS C150 Quiz 3- 15th Ed.

Seaport BUS C150 Quiz 3- 15th Ed.

1. A product is:
the physical attributes of something one can buy.
whatever the seller says it is.
a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy a customer’s wants and needs.
a thing that’s impossible to define, since everyone sees it differently.
2. Motel 6 and the Ritz-Carlton both provide sleeping accommodations, but their respective guests have considerably different expectations of service. This is because:
companies cannot standardize services.
services are inseparable from their providers.
service quality shows wide variations.
services have a high perishable rate.
3. A consumer expects to purchase convenience products:
without having full knowledge about what is sought.
immediately and with minimal effort.
after visiting numerous stores and comparing prices.
by traveling any distance required to get what is wanted.
4. Supermarkets usually display items such as candy, gum, and magazines near the checkout counter because they are:
purchased on impulse.
easier to replenish.
subject to shoplifting.
purchased infrequently.
5. Consumers who are well aware of the brands they prefer and are willing to make a special effort to obtain them are primarily interested in _____ products.
6. At which level of brand loyalty is advertising often used heavily to promote a product?
Brand recognition
Brand preference
Brand insistence
Brand equity
7. A product which has achieved the status of brand insistence:
is likely to spend more than its competitors in order to maintain its status.
has achieved a monopoly position with its consumers.
has a distinctive ?identity character? like the Pillsbury doughboy.
moves from the unknown to the known category, increasing its probability of purchase.
8. The Kirkland brand is owned by Costco, and the products can only be purchased at Costco stores. Costco contracts with manufacturers to produce and package products under the Kirkland name. This arrangement is called:
family branding.
individual branding.
generic branding.
private branding.
9. The added value that a certain brand name gives to a product in the marketplace is called brand:
10. In the Young & Rubicam’s Brand Asset Valuator model, a brand’s ability to stand apart from competitors is referred to as:
11. Marketing channels play a key role in marketing strategy because they:
provide criteria for promotional expenditures.
provide the means by which products move from producer to ultimate user.
allow more participants to contribute to the economy.
reduce the distribution channel length.
12. Movement of products through more than one marketing channel to reach the same market is:
multiple selling.
dual distribution.
distribution redundancy.
exclusive distribution.
13. The process of using every channel available to market a product is called _____ distribution.
14. Licensed goods manufactured abroad and then sold in the U.S. market in competition with U.S. counterparts are called _____ goods.
black market
15. Technology that uses a tiny chip with identification information that can be read by a scanner from a distance is called:
enterprise resource technology
logistics technology
16. After identifying a target market, a retailer must:
develop marketing strategies to attract chosen customers to its stores.
apply a standardized marketing strategy to attract customers from outside the target market.
concentrate on determining the ideal levels of inventory to be maintained.
segment the market based on factors such as family income and customer lifetime value.
17. Many department stores have eliminated product categories such as toys, appliances, and furniture from their merchandise assortment because:
they offer a greater level of differentiation than their competitors.
they have high overheads and low profit margins.
they are not suitable for developing brand insistence.
they cannot be efficiently targeted at department store shoppers.
18. An offering within a product line, such as a specific size of liquid detergent, is known as a(n) _____.
universal product code
price look-up code
stock-keeping unit
universal resource locator
19. The combination of physical characteristics and amenities that contribute to a store’s image is called:
20. A new kind of limited-line retailer has emerged over the past 15 years. These stores combine wide selection and low prices in a single product line and are known as:
specialty stores.          
predatory retailers.
category killers.
smorgasbord retailers.
21. An integrated marketing communication strategy begins with:
separating the parts of the promotional mix into categories based on the media that is being utilized.
isolating and eliminating non-promotional contacts between the consumer and the organization.
consumer wants and needs and then works in reverse to the product, brand, or organization.
the realization that different components of promotion should deliver different messages to their target audiences.
22. The AIDA concept refers to the steps in:
the development of an IMC program.
the consumer purchase decision process.
the distribution of a product.
the promotion of a product.
23. The ideal form of promotion for large, geographically dispersed audiences that will listen to the same message is:
public relations.
sales promotion.
24. Which group of activities is considered to be a form of sales promotion?
Personal selling, advertising
Telemarketing, publicity
Coupons, rebates
Guerrilla marketing, public relations
25. When Frito Lay introduces a new flavor of potato chips, it is likely to focus on _____ in its promotional mix.
personal selling
direct marketing via broadcast channels

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