Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Strayer BUS309 – Week 10 Quiz

Strayer BUS309 – Week 10 Quiz

Question 1
Which of the following are examples of quid-pro-quo harassment?
a) Sexual offers
b) Sexual threats
c) Neither A nor B
d) Both A and B
Question 2
Which of the following Supreme Court cases determined that gender may be used as a positive factor when making promotions among qualified candidates for jobs in which women are underrepresented?
a) Johnson v. Transportation Agency
b) Novartis Case
c) Americans With Disabilities Act
d) Civil Rights Act
Question 3
Which of the following is true of affirmative action programs?
a) Affirmative action programs make use of quotas to make sure women and minorities are represented in the workplace.
b) Affirmative action programs presume that race or gender-conscious measures are necessary to overcome discriminatory practices.
c) Affirmative action programs face no major criticisms.
d) None of the above
Question 4
Of these four arguments, which of the following is the most plausible argument FOR affirmative action?
a) It evens the score with young white men, who have had it good for too long.
b) It is necessary to break the cycle that keeps minorities and women locked into low-paying, low-prestige jobs.
c) It ignores the principle of equality.
d) It is a color-blind policy.
Question 5
Which of the following Supreme Court cases determined that it is illegal to discriminate based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin?
a) Johnson v. Transportation Agency
b) Novartis Case
c) Americans With Disabilities Act
d) Civil Rights Act
Question 6
Of these four arguments, which of the following is the most plausible argument AGAINST affirmative action?
a) Compensatory justice forbids affirmative action.
b) Blacks and whites are already equal in socioeconomic terms.
c) Affirmative action violates the rights of white men to equal treatment.
d) Affirmative action is the same thing as fixed numerical quotas.
Question 7
Companies committed to affirmative action typically do all of the following EXCEPT:
a) Develop a timetable for increased diversity.
b) Set quotas.
c) Alter managerial attitudes.
d) Set goals for increased diversity.
Question 8
Advocates of “comparable worth”:
a) Say that all women do their job just as well as men.
b) Base their doctrine on the free-market determination of wages.
c) Believe it is necessary for getting rid of sexual harassment.
d) Want women to be paid as much as men for jobs involving equivalent skill, effort, and responsibility.
Question 9
Evidence suggests organizations that embrace affirmative action programs are:
a) More productive
b) More profitable
c) More efficient
d) All of the above
Question 10
Which of the following Supreme Court cases determined that it is illegal to discriminate based on disability status?
a) Johnson v. Transportation Agency
b) Novartis Case
c) Americans With Disabilities Act
d) Civil Rights Act
Question 11
What quality is more important in predicting who gets fired than job-performance ratings or even prior disciplinary history?
a) Race
b) Sexual orientation
c) Age
d) Gender
Question 12
How do the courts determine what is objectionable or offensive when considering sexual harassment cases?
a) By considering what the employee found objectionable or offensive.
b) By considering what the offender intended in that situation.
c) By considering what a reasonable person would find offensive in that situation.
d) What is objectionable and offensive is very clearly defined in the law.
Question 13
Which of the following is an argument against affirmative action programs?
a) Compensatory justice demands affirmative action programs.
b) Affirmative action is necessary for fair competition.
c) Affirmative action is necessary to break the cycle that keeps minorities and women locked into low-paying, low-prestige jobs.
d) Affirmative action itself violates the principle of equality.
Question 14
Programs that aim to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of unemployment where they are underrepresented are called:
a) Discriminatory programs
b) Affirmative action programs
c) Pink-collar programs
d) None of the above
Question 15
An office where lewd comments, jokes, and images make some individuals feel uncomfortable and unable to do their work has a problem with:
a) Quid-pro-quo harassment
b) Sexual favoritism
c) Hostile-work-environment harassment
d) None of the above

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