Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Seaport BUS C150 Final Exam- 15th Ed. (100 Questions)

Seaport BUS C150 Final Exam- 15th Ed. (100 Questions)

Question 1: In the AIDA concept, the D indicates:
a. delivery of the promotional message.
b. decoding the message.
c. desire for the product being promoted.
d. decision to listen to the message.
Question 2: At which level of brand loyalty is advertising often used heavily to promote a product?
a. Brand recognition
b. Brand preference
c. Brand insistence
d. Brand equity
Question 3: When potential buyers of a product are dispersed geographically, a pulling promotional strategy should lay emphasis on:
a. advertising.
b. personal selling.
c. publicity.
d. public relations.
Question 4: An example of a company that relies heavily on direct selling is:
a. Compaq.
b. Goodyear Corporation.
e. Amway.
d. General Motors.
Question 5: Public service announcements are:
a. costly for nonprofit organizations to broadcast.
b. ads that generate awareness or educate the public.
c. any type of information released by a public relations department.
d. media ads that promote medical products.
Question 6: Marketing channels play a key role in marketing strategy because they:
a. provide criteria for promotional expenditures.
b. provide the means by which products move from producer to ultimate user.
c. allow more participants to contribute to the economy.
d. reduce the distribution channel length.
Question 7: Vending machines are an example of:
a. automatic merchandising,
b. Internet retailing.
c. telemarketing.
d. direct selling.
Question 8: To grow profitably in a competitive environment, a wholesaler must:
a, cut costs in every possible area.
b. make as many tying agreements as possible.
c. be the exclusive distributor of most products.
d. provide better service at a lower cost than manufacturers or retailers can do themselves.
Question 9: The process of collecting information about the external marketing environment is called:
a. environmental management.
b. marketing research.
c. marketing management.
d. environmental scanning.
Question 10: Which of the following is a reason why sponsorships have grown in popularity in the last ten years?
a. Greater media coverage of sponsored events
b. Legal restrictions on other forms of promotion
c. Declining costs of traditional advertising
d. Inability of other forms of promotion to target specific markets
Question 11: The function of informing, persuading, and influencing the consumer’s purchase decision is called:
a. salesmanship.
b. advertising.
e. promotion.
d. communication.
Question 12: Brand recognition as a stage of brand loyalty occurs when:
a. the product becomes familiar to the consumer.
b. the consumer insists on purchasing that brand even at higher prices.
c. the consumer sees or recognizes the product and chooses it over its competition.
d. the product offers a distinct price advantage to its consumers over its nearest rivals,
Question 13: Because direct marketing is interactive, it:
a. focuses more on promoting the company’s goodwill and educating consumers about the firm.
b. allows marketers so tailor individual responses to meet consumers’ needs.
c. is not very effective in reaching a wide audience.
d. is very informal and its effectiveness is difficult to measure.
Question 14: In the 1950s, discount stores delivered lower prices in exchange for:
a. higher profits
b. reduced services
c. lower inventories
d. continued patronage
Question 15: The two critical components of distribution strategy are _____ and _____.
a. marketing channels; logistics and supply-chain management
b. physical distribution; relationship marketing
c. location; cost
d. warehousing transportation

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