Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Nova MGT5630/MGT 5630 Midterm Exam (50 Questions)

Nova MGT5630/MGT 5630 Midterm Exam (50 Questions)

1. All if the following are guidelines for effectively management stress to prevent it from becoming excessive except for
a. monitoring your own and your followers’ stress levels.
b. identifying the cause of the stress.
c. avoiding exercise late in the day.
d. learning to relax.
2 points 
Terrorists may call themselves “freedom fighters,” and firing someone may be referred to as “letting him go.” This is an example of
a. moral justification.
b. diffusion of responsibility.
c. euphemistic labeling.
d. advantageous comparison.
2 points
This leadership style serves to change the status quo by appealing to followers’ values and their sense of higher purpose.
a. Supportive
b. Transactional
c. Transformational
d. Participative
2 points
In perception, the process of assigning underlying causes to behaviors is known as
a. attribution.
b. fundamental attribution error.
c. self-fulfilling prophecy.                              
d. single-loop learning.
2 points
a. is an interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to.
b. is the study of leaders independent of the people they interact with.
c. postulates that leaders administer rather than innovate.
d. requires that leaders accept the status quo.
2 points 
Which of the following is not an example of behaviors that could be considered a “10% stretch”?
a. Using a motivational practice that has been very successful in the past.
b. Conversing informally with everyone in the office at least once each day.
c. Being more assertive or quieter than usual in a meeting.
d. Seeking an opportunity to be chair of a committee.
2 points 
Which of the following is true about emotional intelligence?
a. There is no one definition of emotional intelligence but all seem to involve emotional awareness and empathy toward others.
b. Emotional intelligence can be developed.
c. EQ instruments often provide conflicting results.
d. All the statements are true.
2 points 
Coalition tactics
a. are used when agents seek the aid of others to influence the target.
b. occur when agents ask targets to participate in planning an activity.
c. occur when the agent attempts to get you in a good mood before making a request.       
d. are used when agents ask another to do a favor out of friendship.
2 points
A leader who has developed close interpersonal relationships with followers generally uses his or her _____ power to influence them.
a. legitimate
b. referent
c. coercive
d. reward
2 points
Which if the following skills and behaviors do not involve interacting with others and are among the most difficult to change.
a. Intrapersonal
b. Interpersonal
c. Leadership
d. Business
2 points
Which of the following statements about defensiveness is false?
a. Defensiveness is likely to occur when someone feels threatened.
b. Defensiveness is an unnatural reaction when we are criticized.
c. Defensiveness lessens a person’s ability to constructively use information.
d. Putting yourself in someone else’s shoes lessens your level defensiveness.
2 points 
In terms of the Leadership Grid, leaders scoring 1,9 denotes:
a. low concern for people and high concern for production. 
b. high concern for people and production.
c. high concern for people and low concern for production.
d. low concern for people and production.
2 points
Leaders lower in neuroticism tend to
a.       take mistakes personally.
b.      become tense.
c.       hide their emotions.
d.      lose their temper when stressed.
2 points 
Of the 5 discovery skills related to leading innovation, which is the cognitive skill that looks for new connections between seemingly diverse ideas, processes or products?
a. Associative thinking
b. Networking
c. Experimenting
d. Questioning
2 points
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Innate factors more than formative experiences influence leadership.
b. Leadership is either innate or acquired, not both.
c. Typically most individuals can be categorized based on their innate qualities as leaders and non-leaders.
d. Each person can make the most of leadership opportunities he or she faces.
2 points 

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