Monday, October 12, 2015

SCI 256 Week 5 Final Examination Exam

SCI 256 Week 5 Final Examination Exam

1) Which of the following is not a renewable resource?
A) the sun beating down on a rain forest
B) plants, such as bamboo and rice, growing in moist environments
C) oil reserves, buried deep below the surface of the ground
D) water flowing through a dam
2) Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring showed that
A) pesticides like DDT were ineffective in killing crop pests.
B) scientific expertise can help shape positive environmental policies.
C) industries producing harmful chemicals welcomed scientific evaluation of their environmental impact.
D) biodiversity could be increased with cautious use of DDT.
3) The current global human population in 2012 is more than
A) 10 billion and is increasing at an annual rate of 5%.
B) 2.2 billion and is no longer growing.
C) 7.1 billion and is growing at a rate of 1.2%.
D) 13 billion and is decreasing at a rate of 3% in developing nations.
4) Biomes characterize regions with similar types of
A) vegetation and climatic conditions.
B) animals and plants.
C) soil, water systems, and animals.
D) rocks, soil, minerals, and water.
5) Energy is
A) lost in the form of heat as energy is passed up a food chain.
B) added in the form of heat as energy is passed up a food chain.
C) lost in the form of carbon dioxide as energy is passed up a food chain.
D) added in the form of heat as carbon dioxide is passed down a food chain.
6) Biodiversity in the world is
A) declining and is most negatively impacting the poorest people of the world.
B) declining and is most negatively impacting the wealthiest people of the world.
C) increasing but is negatively impacting the poorest people of the world.
D) increasing but is negatively impacting the wealthiest people of the world.
7) About 99% of all liquid fresh water on Earth is found in
A) lakes, including the Great Lakes of North America.
B) rivers such as the Amazon, Nile, and Mississippi watersheds.
C) underground aquifers.
D) the upper few meters of topsoil.
8) If a plowed farm field was restored to natural prairie, we would expect that
A) flooding would be more common in the related watershed.
B) more pollutants would flow into the watershed.
C) erosion of the soil would decrease.
D) less water would be retained in the groundwater reservoir.
9) About 150 years ago, agriculture underwent a revolution due to
A) genetic engineering of new crops.
B) the development of new herbicides and pesticides.
C) the industrial revolution, which brought changes in agricultural technology.
D) new markets that emerged from increased international trade.
10) Which of the following is the least biodegradable?
A) paper bag from a grocery store
B) leaves and branches piled up on a hillside
C) glass beer bottle
D) polyethylene wrapper that was used to package Campbell’s soup
11) Risk in environmental health is most related to
A) hazards.
B) vulnerability.
C) hazardsor vulnerability.
D) hazards multiplied by vulnerability.
12) Around the world, the greatest health risk to children under the age of five, especially in low income families and nations is
A) infectious disease
B) lack of immunizations.
C) being underweight.
D) the loss of both parents.
13) Risk assessment by the EPA currently follows four sequential steps. In order, these are
A) exposure determination, dose-response determination, hazard control, and risk identification.
B) hazard assessment, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization.
C) risk identification, hazard characterization, dose-response determination, and exposure control.
D) risk characterization, exposure assessment, dose-response assessment, and hazard assessment.
14) Sustainable economic and environmental policies will shift the focus from
A) sustainability to productivity.
B) growth to the well-being of humans.
C) productivity to growth.
D) productivity to profits.
15) Urban sprawl is associated with
A) low residential density.
B) high physical separation between homes, work, and shopping.
C) congested traffic due to inadequate road networks.
D) low residential density, high physical separation between homes, work, and shopping, and congested traffic due to inadequate road networks.

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