Monday, October 12, 2015

Saint MGT430 final exam 2015

Saint MGT430 final exam 2015

Question 1. 1. Environmental regulations, such as energy conservation, depress the economy. (Points : 5)
Question 2. 2. The world’s income is distributed equally among nations. (Points : 5)
Question 3. 3. M-Commerce is facilitated primarily by: (Points : 5)
Personal computers.
Mobile or cell phones.
The government.
Question 4. 4. The responsibility of managing technology with its many privacy and security issues for business organizations is entrusted to the CEO. (Points : 5)
Question 5. 5. The place where information is stored, ideas are described, and communication takes place in and through an electronic network of linked systems is called: (Points : 5)
The personal computer.
Cloud computing.
Question 6. 6. In some cases, businesses have banded together to agree on how they will treat their customers. This is called: (Points : 5)
Code of regulation.
Consumer affairs doctrine.
Voluntary industry codes of conduct.
Industry action standards.
Question 7. 7. Sexual and racial harassment will happen, and there is little a business can do to eliminate the problem. (Points : 5)
Question 8. 8. Most genetically modified corn grown in the United States is made into animal feed or ethanol. (Points : 5)
Question 9. 9. How do “glass walls” differ from “glass ceilings?” (Points : 5)
They don’t; they are the same thing.
Glass walls do not exist; only glass ceilings are real.
Glass walls apply to mid- and lower-level women managers.
Glass walls focus on sideways promotions in the organization.
Question 10. 10. The most successful global businesses in coming years will be those companies that: (Points : 5)
Develop short-term partnerships between companies in developing countries to transfer environmental technologies.
Recognize the imperative for sustainable development as an opportunity both for competitive advantage and ethical action
Avoid fully accounting environmental costs in calculating measures of production such as the gross domestic product (GDP).
Produce products with a limited useful life.
Question 11. 11. Social capital refers to the norms and networks that enable collective action. (Points : 5)
Question 12. 12. Businesses in the clean technology stage: (Points : 5)
Actively manage environmental issues.
Have well-funded programs for environmental technology.
Evaluate cyber technology-related risks.
Develop innovative technologies that support sustainability.
Question 13. 13. The current phase of technology is the service society. (Points : 5)
Question 14. 14. The phase of technology that focuses on building material goods and manual labor is: (Points : 5)
Question 15. 15. With respect to fresh water, according to one estimate, if it were possible to eliminate pollution, capture all available fresh water, and distribute fresh water equitably: (Points : 5)
Demand would exceed supply within a hundred years.
There would be a balance between demand and supply within a hundred years.
Supply would exceed demand within a hundred years.
Question 16. 16. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” has the following benefit: (Points : 5)
Natural gas burns more cleanly than either coal or oil.
It is a risk-free form of natural gas extraction.
It gives more businesses to sewage plants to clean contaminated water.
There are no benefits to fracking.
Question 17. 17. Businesses generally discovered that the adoption of technology was a money-saver rather than an expense in the short run. (Points : 5)
Question 18. 18. When a mother or father is granted time off when children are born or adopted and during the early months of a child’s development, this is called: (Points : 5)
The parent track.
Baby care.
Parental leave.
Family leave.
Question 19. 19. Since the early 1990s racial harassment charges filed: (Points : 5)
Have been cut in half from 10,000 to 5,000 a year.
Have decreased dramatically and are now less than 1000 a year.
Have more than doubled to about 9,000 a year.
Have stayed about the same at roughly 4,000 a year.
Question 20. 20. Beginning on a major scale in the 1960s, U.S. presidents issued executive orders and Congress enacted laws intended to promote equal treatment of employees. (Points : 5)
Question 21. 21.
When businesses form voluntary, collaborative partnerships with environmental organizations and regulators to achieve specific objectives this is called:
(Points : 5)
Inter-organizational alliances.
Environmental partnerships.
Cross-functional teams.
Command and control.
Question 22. 22. Thanks to advancement in technology the number of instances of identity theft has been decreasing since 2006. (Points : 5)
Question 23. 23. An identifying marker placed on a user’s computer hard drive during visits in order to identify the user during each subsequent visit and to build profiles of their behavior over time is called a: (Points : 5)
Question 24. 24. A hijacked computer that can be remote-controlled by the attacker to respond to the attacker’s commands is called a: (Points : 5)
Question 25. 25. Which of the following is not a distinct period in corporate involvement in education reform from the 1980s to the present? (Points : 5)
Direct involvement with the schools.
Public policy initiatives in education.
Collaboration for systemic reform.
Total quality management of the education system.
Question 26. 26. In the United States, which of the following agencies enforces the laws prohibiting deceptive advertising? (Points : 5)
Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Federal Trade Commission.
Department of Justice.
Question 27. 27. Piracy was most severe in this country where the illegal software market was worth nearly $9 billion in 2011: (Points : 5)
South Africa.
Question 28. 28. By setting a common standard for all firms, government can take the cost of pollution control out of competition. (Points : 5)
Question 29. 29. The consumer’s right to privacy assures that information disclosed in the course of a commercial transaction is not shared with others unless authorized. (Points : 5)
Question 30. 30. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission was created in: (Points : 5)

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