Monday, October 12, 2015

NU MGT400 Week 2 Midterm Exam New (2015) 35 MCQ WITH SHORT QUESTION

NU MGT400 Week 2 Midterm Exam New (2015) 35 MCQ WITH SHORT QUESTION

5 out of 5 points
The ______________________ was established after the latest financial crisis, in response to a situation that caused many consumers to lose their homes.
Protection Agency
1. Environmental Protection Agency
2. World Bank
3. Consumer Financial Protection Agency
4. World Trade Organization
5. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Question 2
3 out of 3 points
Which of the following is not a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
creation of ethical and legal compliance programs
1. Strengthens penalties for corporate fraud
2. Discourages the creation of ethical and legal compliance programs
3. Requires codes of ethics for financial reporting in corporations
4. Makes fraudulent financial reporting a criminal offense
5. Requires greater transparency in financial reporting
Question 3
3 out of 3 points
Which of the forces of the business environment involves the rivalry among businesses for customers and profits?
1. The economic dimension
2. The legal dimension
3. The competitive dimension
4. The technological dimension
5. The voluntary responsibilities dimension
Question 4
3 out of 3 points
The ______________ regulates tobacco, dietary supplements, vaccines, veterinary drugs, medical devises, cosmetics, products that give off radiation, and biological products
1. World Trade Organization
2. Consumer Financial Protection Agency
3. Department of Justice
4. Environmental Protection Agency
5. The Food and Drug Administration
Question 5
3 out of 3 points
Which of the following groups is not a group that receives special legal protections?
1. The elderly
2. Children
3. Senior Citizens
4. The highly educated
5. Young consumers
Question 6
3 out of 3 points
The _____________ was called “a sweeping overhaul of the financial regulatory system…on a scale not seen since the reforms that followed the Great Depression.”
1. Equal Pay Act
2. Americans with Disabilities Act
3. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
4. Age Discrimination in Employment Act
5. VII of the Civil Rights Act
Question 7
0 out of 3 points
____________ law defines the rights and duties of individuals and organizations (including businesses).
1. Civil
2. Criminal
3. Competitive
4. Administrative
5. Regulatory
Question 8
3 out of 3 points
Which of the following is not a provision of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act?
1. Increases the accountability and transparency of financial institutions
2. Creates a bureau to educate consumers in financial literacy
3. Creates an organization to pay the bills of low-income consumers
4. Create incentives for whistle-blowers to come forward
5. Increases oversight of the financial industry
Question 9
3 out of 3 points
___________ law not only prohibits specific actions in business such as fraud, theft, or securities trading violations, but also imposes fines or imprisonment as punishment for breaking the law.
1. Civil
2. Criminal
3. Competitive
4. Administrative
5. Regulatory
Question 10
3 out of 3 points
_____ ties giving to a business’ overall strategy and objectives.
1. Social responsibility
2. Business ethics
3. Corporate philanthropy
4. Strategic philanthropy
5. Cause-related marketing
Question 11
3 out of 3 points
Anticompetitive strategies that focus on weakening or destroying a competitor have spurred antitrust legislation and include all of the following except
1. sustained price cuts.
2. free samples.
3. discriminatory pricing.
4. price wars.
5. corporate espionage.
Question 12
3 out of 3 points
Which is not one of the four sources of criminal and civil laws?
1. Judicial law
2. Common law
3. Constitutional law
4. Administrative law
5. Statutory law
Question 13
3 out of 3 points
The ___________ is an independent agency within the Federal Reserve System that “regulate(s) the offering and provision of consumer financial products or services under the federal consumer financial laws.
1. Consumer Financial Protection Agency
2. Federal Resrve
3. World Trade Organization
4. Department of Justice
5. Federal Trade Commission
Question 14
3 out of 3 points
The primary objective of U.S. antitrust laws is to
1. protect consumers from high prices and foreign products
2. protect domestic businesses
3. protect employees
4. promote strategies that enhance business welfare over consumer welfare
5. distinguish competitive strategies that enhance consumer welfare from those that reduce it
Question 15
3 out of 3 points
_______ have been found to decrease unethical practices and increase positive work behavior
1. High educational attainment levels
2. High levels of community involvement
3. Charismatic leaders
4. Strong religious beliefs
5. Good personal values
Question 16
3 out of 3 points
_______involves subordinates simply following the directives of a superior without question. It demonstrates the influence that significant others an exert in the workplace.
1. Obedience to authority
2. Locus of control
3. Opportunity
4. Transactional leadership
5. Immediate job context
Question 17
2 out of 2 points
Multiple elements work on individuals to affect their behavior. While an individual may intend to do the right thing, ___________can alter this intent
1. cognitive dissonance
2. familial expectations
3. religious beliefs
4. the desire for financial gain
5. organizational or social forces
Question 18
2 out of 2 points
A coaching leader builds a positive climate by
1. valuing people, their emotions, and their needs
2. focusing on communication across all layers of the organization
3. inspiring employees to follow their departmental leaders without question
4. focusing on achievement, initiative, and self-control
5. developing skills for success, delegating responsibility, and issuing challenging assignments
Question 19
2 out of 2 points
If management fails to identify and educate employees about ethical problems areas, ethical issues may not reach the critical
1. awareness level
2. aptitude level
3. ethical level
4. organizational level
5. individual level
Question 20
2 out of 2 points
The __________ can be defined as a set of values, norms, and artifacts, including ways of solving problems shared by members of an organization
1. corporate culture
2. intentions of a corporate
3. ethical issue awareness
4. determination of a corporation
5. individual factors
Question 21
2 out of 2 points
Which of the following would not be considered a negative reinforcement of employee behavior?
1. demotions
2. firings
3. ignoring the behavior
4. reprimands
5. pay penalties
Question 22
2 out of 2 points
Codes, rules, and compliance are essential in organizations. However, an organization built on ____________ is more likely to develop a high integrity corporate culture.
1. a charismatic leader
2. the preferences of the CEO
3. the grapefine
4. formal relationships
5. informal relationships
Question 23
2 out of 2 points
Which of the following types of leaders attempts to create employee satisfaction through bartering or negotiating for desired behaviors or level or performance?
1. pacesetting leaders
2. coercive leaders
3. transactional leaders
4. transformational leaders
5. transmogrified leaders

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