Thursday, October 8, 2015

Devry PSYC 110/PSYC110 Midterm Exam 2015 (Latest Version)

Devry PSYC 110/PSYC110 Midterm Exam 2015 (Latest Version)

Question 1. Question: (TCOs 1, 2) Participants in research early in psychology’s history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, texture, and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called
objective introspection.
Question 2. Question : (TCO 4) As part of a psychology experiment, Brett decides to measure a person’s “anxiety” by noting the number of blinks a person makes in a 20-minute social interaction with a stranger. Brett appears to have offered a(n) _____ of anxiety.
operational definition
Points Received: 2 of 2
Question 3. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) Marta was in an automobile accident and suffered an injury to her brain, resulting in the paralysis of her left arm. What part of Marta’s brain was injured?
Auditory association area
Motor cortex
Association areas
Somatosensory cortex
Question 4. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) A group of axons bundled together coated in myelin that travels together through the body is called a
synaptic vesicle.
myelinated pathway.
Question 5. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) _____ are holes in the surface of the dendrites, or certain cells of the muscles and glands that are shaped to fit only certain neurotransmitters.
Synaptic vesicles
Receptor sites
Question 6. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following phenomena is a function of the distribution of the rods and cones in the retina?
The moon looks much larger near the horizon than it looks when it is higher in the sky.
The light from distant stars moving rapidly away from us is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.
Stars can be seen only with difficulty during the daytime.
A dim star viewed at night may disappear when you look directly at it, but reappear when you look to one side of it.
Question 7. Question : ( TCO 4) What are the five primary tastes?
Hot, sour, spicy, sweet, origami
Salty, sour, spicy, sweet, tart
Bitter, salty, sour, sweet, umami
Peppery, salty, sour, sweet, acidic
Question 8. Question : (TCO 4) Suppose your town is located in a valley. Obviously, you’ll realize that the size of your town doesn’t change regardless of whether you look at it up close or from a hilltop. This is primarily due to
size constancy.
color constancy.
retinal disparity.
Question 9. Question : (TCO 5) Sid is taking part in research on the effects of sleep deprivation; he has been without sleep for 75 hours. Right now, researchers have asked him to sit in front of a computer screen and hit a button each time he sees the letter S on the screen. A few days ago, Sid was a whiz at this task; however, he is doing very poorly today. How are sleep researchers likely to explain Sid’s poor performance?
Due to the sleep deprivation, Sid does not understand the task.
Microsleeps are occurring due to the sleep deprivation and he is asleep for brief periods of time.
He is determined to ruin the research because of the suffering he is enduring at the hands of the researchers.
He is probably dreaming that he is somewhere else and has no interest in responding to the “here and now.”
Instructor Explanation: Microsleeps occur, causing a block-out during that time. Chapter 4, page 140.
Question 10. Question : (TCO 5) You are telling a joke to your friend, who is laughing uproariously and then suddenly collapses to the floor. You are not surprised to later learn that he has a sleep disorder known as ¬¬¬
sleep terror.
daytime insomnia.
Question 11. Question : (TCO 5) How does the activation-synthesis hypothesis explain dreaming?
the surfacing of repressed sexual urges
biological attempts to make recent memories more permanent
the cortex making sense of signals from the brain stem
the use of elaborate symbolism to disguise “unthinkable” topics
Question 12. Question : (TCOs 7, 8) Sue noticed that whenever she opened the door to the pantry, her dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry by drooling and whining. She thought that because the dog food was stored in the pantry, the sound of the door had become a(n)
unconditioned stimulus.
conditioned stimulus.
unconditioned response.
conditioned response.
Question 13. Question : (TCOs 7, 8) Bill hates to clean up after dinner. One night, he volunteers to bathe the dog before cleaning up. When he finishes with the dog and returns to the kitchen, his wife has cleaned everything up for him. Which of the following statements is most likely true?
Bill will start cleaning up the kitchen before he bathes the dog.
Bill’s wife has positively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
Bill’s wife has negatively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
Bill will never bathe the dog again.

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